Sunday, October 9, 2016

Be Still

Hurricane Matthew gave us a visit this past week.  He was mean and strong.  Like a big bully, he threatened to destroy, and was coming straight towards us.  We'd better be scared!  How could we contend with such an enormous foe?  All we could do is scurry through the supermarkets and find what we could. Shutter up our houses, lock ourselves in and hope for the best.

It reminds me of the story in Mark when Jesus and the disciples climbed into a boat after tending to the multitudes.  A storm suddenly grew out of the blue, the wind and the waves were beating onto the boat.  Water was already overcoming and the disciples were in panic mode.  They better be, the storm bully demanded it.  Jesus, on the other hand, was in the stern, asleep, on a pillow!  No fear!  The disciples found him asleep, woke him, and said,
"Teacher, do You not care that we are dying here!"

All I could say is, wow, how many times have I prayed,
"Father, do you care?"  Just like Matthew, life storms promise to destroy, to damage, and sometimes take casualties.  We know our Father can do something and we wonder, why isn't He?  Where is He?

Jesus arose, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!"
The storm quieted at the sound of His voice!

He then asked his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?"

Lesson Learned:  When storms come, weather or life related, we should prepare, but not fear!  God is in our boat!

Praying for Haiti and Cuba as they recover from the Matthew.

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