Friday, July 31, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Try

Today's Word:

I'm not a foodie by any sense of the word.  Food preparation is trying for me. I know how to cook.  My grandmother and my mother taught both my sister and me. But, cooking is a lot of work.  You have to plan it, buy it, prepare it, cook it, serve it, eat it, then clean it all up.  It's exhausting.  Then, you have to do it all over again the next day. Every now and then I get inspired to try something new, but I usually stick to my no brainers.

The saddest part of growing older is that your metabolism is not as cooperative as it used to be.  The foods you loved as a kid will now cause you to gain 10 pounds just by thinking of them. My husband and I are trying to eat right and squeeze in some exercise into our schedules.  Some foods we used to love and enjoy come by sporadically nowadays.
Here are some foods I've tried once and I'd be happy never to try again:

1.  Kale
2.  Olives 
3.  Ginger Tea
4.  Fish
5.  Dark chocolate
6.  Blue Cheese

Foods I've tried once and I was instantly hooked:

1.  Blue Chips
2.  White Chocolate Mocha Latte
3.  Harry & David's Pepper Relish
4.  All things milk chocolate
5.  Anything with sweet potato
6.  Almonds

A food item I'd like to try, but haven't had the opportunity:


A food I have no desire to try, ever:

This summer I found this recipe for Blueberry Lemon Bars while surfing Pinterest.  And, I decided to try it.  I loved it.  I think it goes great with hot tea.  If you'd like to try it, here's the recipe I used.  

Stop by to join the Five Minute Friday fun.

Thank you for stopping by.  Have a lovely weekend.  


  1. Oh man! Cooking is trying for me too! With two littles (4&7) seems like after all the work they don't like it anyway! Would be easier to just eat cereal! Ha! Have you ever had kale chips! I love them, it's the only way I will eat kale!

    1. I've never tried kale chips. I've seen them, but I'm afraid I may not like them. But, I guess, a try won't hurt anything. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Replies
    1. :) Go get something yummy to eat. :) Thank you for stopping by ~

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. wow I am challenged each time I try to cook or bake or make a decent meal even after being married 41 years. It is not my favorite thing to do although when I do get motivated a few good meals have come out of the process of learning. Try... such a simple yet challenging word.

    1. It's never easy, is it? Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you so much for stopping over at my blog. I'm delighted to read yours! My husband and I have the same problem. Our metabolisms are definitely slowing! But, our sweet girls are 8, 6, and 4, (just turned these ages) and their tastebuds dictate some of our dining choices.
    I feel a lot more confidence in the kitchen than before. I especially love that the "don't mind trying" list appeals so well to my own tastes. We'll agree to disagree on the chocolate, though. ;)
    Someday we'll have to have some of those mocha lattes together!
    Tammy (#4 on the linkup)

    1. That sounds like a fabulous plan :) Thank you so much for your visit, as well. GB :)


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