Wednesday, July 9, 2014

His Prized Possession

Whatever is good
and perfect
comes down 
from God our Father,
who created
all the lights 
in the heavens.
He never changes
or casts a shifting shadow.
He chose
to give birth 
to us
by giving us
his true word.
And we,
out of all creation,
his prized possession. 


Enable us to dwell and stand on the truth of Your Word.
All that is good comes from You.
As we reflect and take inventory of our lives,
at times we get distracted by the unexpected
mistakes, disappointments, and frustrations,
help us instead to glean from goodness.
Even in darkness,
good springs forth.
And, it is You
working to bring about our best interest.

You do not waste time or experiences.
Even in the apparent insignificant, every day moments.
You are teaching, forming, molding and showering us with grace.

You never change.
We do.
Our circumstances, our mind, our wants, our needs, our attitudes,
sometimes one at a time,
sometimes all at the same time.
But, You are not moved
just because we are.
You remain.
That constant and consistent truth keeps us secure
and grounded.

You created light.

By day, the sun provides the way.
Even in the storm, the sun doesn't leave.
At night, the moon and stars take over.
A sure reminder that You are near.

You gave us Your word.
This word brings us life.
Makes us whole.
Heals our body.
Comforts our grief.
Transforms our lives.
Ignites and empowers our dreams.
Carries us through our journey.
And, brings us safely home.
Freely and with no strings attached.
For no other reason,
than love.

Because we are Your prized possession.
Your love is not contingent upon
what our hands can produce,
our outward or inward appearance,
our personality,
or things.

Oh no, You love us because we belong to You.
We are the crown of Your creation.
No one has loved us the way You have.
Nothing we do or feel or say or think 
can make you love us any more or any less.
Your love is perfect,

So, today and always, 
We offer our worship,
our gratitutde,
and devotion
to You.
Our heavenly father, our God~

Your Prized Possession


I hope your day is filled with this truth.
You are His prized possession.

Today I'm linking up with Holley Gerth:  Coffee for Your Soul.

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