Sunday, May 15, 2016


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One of our greatest challenges is waiting ~ Think of those long lines at the grocery store, at the bank, on 50% off sale days!  How about the 30 minute wait  to make an appointment to see the doctor or the hour wait in the "waiting room"! What can you tell me about the red lights? You know, the car in front of you, checking his or her texts and doesn't see the light turned green?  By the time he or she realizes it, they make it through the yellow, but now you're on red again.

We've been conditioned to expect things to come quickly, when we ask for them, when we need them, according to our schedule and our needs.

As much as we'd like, God is not subject to our schedule and our demands.
His plan is first, His ways are higher.  My pastor always says that pushing our way might get us what we want, but we can lose what we have, we can miss out on God's perfect plan because we couldn't WAIT on Him.  We needed what we needed when we needed it. Period.  And, now, we are not as happy as we thought we would be.

My direction this week is to WAIT on Him, to be courageous in the wait, not to be anxious of what my emotions might nag me about.  I'm encouraged to be strengthened in my knowledge that He who has begun a good work in me is faithful to complete it.  (Phil. 1:6)

So as life brings on its new challenges each and every day, I will not lose myself in fear and anxiety, and I will not allow my strength to be jeopardized, because I am WAITING ON THE LORD.  I will trust in Him, He has never failed!

Praying for you right now that your week will be filled 
with courage and strength as you wait on Him.

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